Make sure to check out our Tutorials HERE. And if things don’t look quite right or if something isn’t working correctly, make sure to check out our Troubleshooting documentation HERE. If you still can’t find the answers you’re looking for, please don’t hesitate to fill out a Support Ticket below. If you’re having trouble with getting your site to look like the demo, reach out and I’d be happy to help you!
General WordPress-related questions, 3rd party plugins queries and any further customizations (such as custom fonts, custom css changes, structural changes, etc) are not covered under my provided support. If you would like me to help with installation or customizations to your theme, please see HERE
before submitting a support ticket:
- Check out the Theme Documentation and Tutorials first, to see if your question has already been answered.
- Rule out plugin conflicts – Ruling out any plugin conflict first. The #1 reason that you could be seeing errors on your site or a feature that doesn’t work, is due to plugin conflicts! Click HERE to learn how.
- Clear your cache if you’re not seeing changes appear on your site. Click HERE to learn how.
- Update WordPress, Plugins, Themes and PHP version if you haven’t already. HERE is a guide to find out what PHP version you are using. An older version of something could be causing the issue. HERE is a guide on how to do these updates.
- Try Googling – do this if your question is not theme-specific. It could be a common WordPress, or Kadence question that has been answered elsewhere.
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